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AFSE Annual Congress

Paris-Saclay, June 2-4

73rd Congress of the French Economic Association

Submission > Submission guide

Submissions open on December 2nd, 2024, and close on February 7th, 2025.

Submissions of full papers are invited from academic, government, and business economists in any field of economics. Papers incorporating methodologies from disciplines beyond economics are highly encouraged.

Please note that AFSE 2025 membership is required to submit a paper. Details on how to become a 2025 member or update your membership status can be found here.

All presentations must be conducted in English.

To submit a paper, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to "Submit a paper"

You have two options:

  • "Create an account": You will immediately receive an email to validate your account. Once validated, your account will be ready for use.
  • "Log in": If you are already registered, simply log in. In case you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgotten password" button and enter either your ID or email. You will need to log in every time you visit the website.

Step 2: Submit a paper

  1. Log in using your username and password.

  2. Click on "Submit a paper" in the menu.

  3. Follow the guidelines and instructions provided (4 steps) until the final validation overview/submit. Fulfill all information requested. Only full paper submission are considered. Notice that you should indicate whether you aim at participating to a thematic session, or not. You can select more than one topic if applicable (note that for multiple selections, you will have to hold down the Ctrl or cmd key when selecting topics). It is important to provide as informative a choice of topic(s) as possible. Please also indicate keywords up to three (at least two).

Step 3: Check the confirmation email

After submitting your paper, you will receive a confirmation email containing your submission number.

For questions regarding submissions and registrationsafse2025-submission-registration@sciencesconf.org

For questions regarding the programafse2025-program@sciencesconf.org

For other inquiries: afse2025@sciencesconf.org



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