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AFSE Annual Congress

Paris-Saclay, June 2-4

73rd Congress of the French Economic Association


Welcome to the registration page of the 73rd Congress of the French Economic Association!



Registration is open from March 29th, 2025, to April 27th, 2025.

Please note that AFSE membership is a prerequisite for Congress registration. Information on becoming an AFSE member can be found here. Registration is mandatory for conference access. 

Fees registration consist of:

Regular member

250 €

PhD student

200 €

AFSE Banquet (optional)

60 €

Theater Play* (optional)

10 €

*The Farewell Reception will be enhanced by an engaging artistic performance presented by the Scène de Recherche, a professional theater located at the heart of ENS Paris-Saclay. The theater play admission costs 10€ and is limited to 160 people, while the farewell reception is free and has unlimited access to the conference participants.

For inquiries related to registration or payments, please contact us at secretariatafse@gmail.com.

For program-related matters, please use the following email address: afse2025@sciencesconf.org.



  • Registration is exclusively available online and covers attendance for all three days of the conference. Please note that it is not possible to register for individual days.
  • For those not exempt from registration fees, payment must be submitted alongside the registration. Ensure payment is completed before the specified registration deadline.
  • Registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment. Unfortunately, no reimbursements are possible in case of cancellation.
  • Please complete the registration form, and a confirmation will be sent to you via email.
  • Indicate which social events you plan to attend: Cocktail Reception, AFSE Banquet, Farewell Reception, Theater Play. Additionally, thank you to mention any specific dietary requirements.

Click here to register: to be announced

We look forward to seeing you at the conference,
The organisers 
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